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Short Story About Our Political Party


About Conservative Party USA

The Conservative Party USA is an I.R.S. national registered 527 political organization (Political Party). It is also a United States Service Mark.

Entities registered under section 527 of the tax code are considered “political organizations,” defined generally as a political party, political committee or political association that is organized and operated primarily for the purpose of influencing the selection, nomination or appointment of any individual to any federal, state or local public office, or office in a political organization. All political committees that register and file reports with the FEC are 527 organizations, but not all 527 organizations are required to file with the FEC. Some file reports with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which is the present case for Conservative party USA. …MORE…

Our Mission Defined

The Conservative Party USA (CPartyUSA) will rectify the consistent failures and corruption of the current two-party system.  CPartyUSA will impose fiscal discipline, restrain the reach of the federal government as outlined in the Constitution and defend America’s traditional family values. Read More…

National Platform Preamble

The Conservative Party firmly embraces in the concept of American Exceptionalism. America is a country of a distinguished founding, unique historical experience and has a grand path to the future. We also believe the United States has contributed more to the political, economic and financial betterment of the human condition than any previous collection. Our Party’s Platform reflects this belief.


Meet Our Team

We will help you build and maintain a strong state and local political presence.

Marcus Kohan

Chairman Of the Board Emeritus

Sam Gallo

Party Secretary

Harold Hervey


About Your Voter Needs

Our team of volunteers has a huge bank of business and professional experience. We will provide you with the right information and advice on voter issues you may encounter.

Research candidate campaigns and issues
Help promote our mission "down home" with you
Assist you with election Regulations & Rules

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