Conservative Party USA ®

Got Questions?

Right out of the gate, there is no way we can answer every question you may have. However, there are a few that repeat themselves over time. 

We have placed a few of the “big ones” and will add others from time to time.

Still need an answer, use the email form below, or email us at about any question you may have and we will get back to you.

When a voter registers, say, Republican, they are not a member of the Republican Party. The voter simply is indicating a political party preference. Also, the Party choices shown on the registration form are regulated by state law, thus may intrude into our form of incorporation. We choose our candidates and issues by a vote of our dues-paying members, not the state.

Our dues-paying members ($25 yr) own our Party, which means it is a true bottom-up member owned political party.

Yes. Our members receive a traditional membership card with their name and the expiration year of their dues.

Because “Members” own the Conservative Party USA, leadership is determined by qualification and gaining the necessary member votes for the leadership position. Other than maintaining one’s membership dues no further financial payment or contribution is required or expected to be a Party leader.

Conservative Party USA is 100% volunteer organization, and has been for its, now, 13 years of existence. It is reasonable to expect that someday payroll may be required because of need.

No, because Conservative Party USA is a membership Party and its candidate and issue endorsements are not made in a state voter primary. 

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