Declare a National Election Day Holiday to Restore and Preserve Election Integrity
The very cornerstone on which our Republic’s foundation was established is the belief the best government is one in which we the people choose those we believe represent our ideals,…
United States should Secede From the United Nations
The U.S. should secede from United Nations and remove it from American soil. Foreign powers have conspired against the United States, the Constitution, its sovereignty and its people.
(Note - The United States is one…
Carry Weapons on Military Bases
The United States military should allow military personnel to carry firearms while on base. The 1993 Clinton ban should be lifted so that soldiers can be prepared to defend themselves at any time.
Require Congress to enact a Balanced Budget annually except in times of war or National emergency.
Highlights the issue that women are underrepresented in top economics departments and those who manage to hold a top position in the economic realm are frequently exposed to unfair criticism and reproaches.
The Conservative Party understands that America is facing long-term and crippling debt problems that need common sense solutions based on sound economic/budgetary principles.
Adopt a Fiscally Responsible Monetary Policy
The U.S. Government must adopt monetary policies that reverse our nation’s headlong descent into unsustainable debt, ongoing fiscal irresponsibility and progressive slide into de facto socialism. These policies should include auditing the…
All Bills enacted by Congress, States, and other local governmental units must be written in plain, common-sense English prose that is understandable.
Since its adoption in 1777, the United States flag has already undergone 27 iterations when new states joined the Union.
For the first time, the 13-star American flag was raised by rebellious colonists in North America as a symbol of…
Support candidates who support legislation that repeals the Affordable Care Act of 2010, aka “ObamaCare”.