America should adopt measures to help revive and sustain economic vitality . . .
Affirmative Action based on race, gender or ethnicity must be banned at all levels of education and employment.
International Free Trade is only good if it’s Fair Trade when all countries conduct such trade by the same rules.
More and more Americans claim that they are true patriots of their country.
Since Congress can’t get it together, CP-USA offers a Cost Cutting Road Map.
Congress should amend the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 to remove the automatic Cost of Living (COLA) pay increases for Congress.
Might as well have a drink after this.
Eliminate the Federal government’s powers to charter organizations like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.
In this article, we try to throw light on who really benefits from daylight saving time and why it should be ceased.
More and more Americans claim that they are true patriots of their country.