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Conservative Party USA Planks

The Conservative Party firmly embraces in the concept of American Exceptionalism. America is a country of a distinguished founding, unique historical experience and has a grand path to the future. We also believe the United States has contributed more to the political, economic and financial betterment of the human condition than any previous collection of nations. The Conservative Party’s Platform affirms this belief.

Require a Balanced Budget

Require Congress to enact a Balanced Budget annually except in times of war or National emergency.

Adopt a Fiscally Responsible Monetary Policy

Adopt a Fiscally Responsible Monetary Policy The U.S. Government must adopt monetary policies that reverse our nation’s headlong descent into unsustainable debt, ongoing fiscal irresponsibility and progressive slide into de facto socialism. These policies should include auditing the…

Enact Reciprocal Trade Laws

International Free Trade is only good if it’s Fair Trade when all countries conduct such trade by the same rules.

The United States must adopt a comprehensive Energy Policy

This policy should be driven by private industry to include: wind; hydro power; clean coal technologies; solar; domestic and offshore oil drilling (including ANWAR); new forward looking technologies (e.g. Fracking); and realistic, economically viable conservation programs.