America has always done a great job of recognizing its veterans. However, there has been a tendency of late not to really listen to the voice of veterans and the military.
Conservative Party USA has many veterans in its membership including its leaders and a result has been the formation of a special Party committee for Party members who are veterans.
Conservative Party USA has created its special Veterans Committee away from this website so that can be managed with greater flexibility. Broadcast emailings are made directly from the committee and stored there for future reference. Veteran profiles may be viewed by committee chairpersons so as to maintain committee fidelity through sincere actions by its committee members.
Veterans interested in becoming a member of the Veterans Committee should contact the national office for inclusion:
Mission of the Veterans Committee
Beyond just recognition of the veteran’s honorable and valuable service to their country, Conservative Party USA will do its best to provide conservative political guidance and activism to the veteran, and point to many commercial resources favorable to the veteran.
Veterans Committee Executive officers
Executive officers have not been appointed. If you have an interest, please contact us.
Veteran Affairs Strategic Partners
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Listed here are nonpartisan entities that are supporters of the United States veteran and will stand as a resource for the veteran in their needs.
Under Construction